Sunday, November 24, 2013

How To Impress Recruiters

It’s the job season once again and aspirants are gearing up for a tough ride ahead. The job market is increasingly competitive these days and finding a good job is not as easy as it looks. How do you land a good job? You may possess the requisite skills and the experience. You may even have the necessary qualifications and other skill sets listed for the job. However, landing a good job has a lot to do with the impression you make on recruiters. The interview is a one way ticket to landing your dream job provided you play your cards right. Many talented and skilled candidates lose their way at the interview in spite of their amazing qualifications. How do you impress recruiters? 

You have to improve your own body language, posture and your handshake. Your handshake should not be too limp or unimpressive. Your confidence should be evident in your walking, talking and your handshake. Make it firm without being the dead-locking kind. You should always be very serious and determined when it comes to approaching your job interviews. Your recruiters will look for earnestness and a genuine desire to work for the company. You have to remember that you are your own brand in this case. You have to pitch your strengths and abilities in a positive manner. Nervousness or a negative approach will only set you back in this regard. You can also ask relevant questions as it shows how serious you are about the job. Ask about your role, what you can do for the organization and the challenges that lie ahead. Provide your own solutions and strategy for the same if possible.

Do not be too pushy or eager about monetary benefits, perks and your remuneration. This will only create a poor impression on your recruiters. Come to the topic only when the recruiter brings it up. Be honest and open about your experience and academic background. Tell recruiters all about yourself without being too pompous or sounding too overconfident. Do not let loose your grievances about previous employers or complain about previous job experiences. This will not stand you in good stead. Dress appropriately for the interview without going over the top or appearing too flashy. Always dress smartly and present a neat and clean picture. Always greet recruiters in the proper manner. Most importantly, be clear about your desire to work at the particular organization. Your own interest matters to recruiters as well.

If you are looking for jobs in Chennai or any other location in India, you are better off looking at online classifieds portals. These portals contain loads of job advertisements. All you need to do is reply to them immediately. Often, there are contact details provided so that you can reach your prospective employers faster. Seek an appointment or an interview and ask for details with regard to sending your resume to an employer. It has loads of options with regard to jobs in your preferred location. Log on and find your dream job today!

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